Vorex (v4.0.36) - Sep 2020

This release includes a new feature, enhancements, and fixes.

New Feature

Periodic Asset Sync

Asset information from VSA is synchronized to Vorex daily with Periodic Asset Sync. Vorex runs a scheduled nightly job to get the latest asset information from VSA. For more information, see Enabling periodic asset sync.



Account records now support Department definitions in order to support Group ID to Department mappings when VSA hardware assets are synced to Vorex.


For Service Desk tickets, a single email is sent when a notification is triggered. The email specifies the ticket Contact in the To field, and all recipients specified in the ticket CC field are included in the email CC field.


To prevent proration errors, users cannot change the way units get derived after a service is saved. Recurring Services Contract > Services > Add/Edit Services >  Automatically Derive Billing Units options will get disabled.


General Fixed: Closed administrative work types still appeared in the pop-up when adding admin tasks to a timesheet.


Fixed: When a quote originates from QuoteWerks, the contact was not displayed on the quote list page.


Fixed: Quotes originating from QuoteWerks could return a 500 error.


Fixed: Billing Automation did not generate invoices for the 'Charges' Billing Type.


Fixed: Invoices weren't exported to QuickBooks if sales tax was turned off.